Social Issues & thier Solution.

All about Social Issues & Their solution

  • why i chose the subject of “social issues and Thier  solutions”!

    There is a society’s worm. Although humans are mixed with two things.
    Nesis and insec.
    If a person forgets repeatedly, he has to support others because it is not possible to live a person’s life without getting isolated and achieving cooperation and sharing of other people.

    Similarly, humans need love and kindness for which it has to be in society because it does not get in isolation, but it is in the society, so under all these requirements, humans need a society and the need for the need to invent.In the same way, many societies came into existence.

    Allah Almighty has created all creatures including human beings under special rules.  Similarly, if all the people live by keeping all these rules in mind, their life and society will be peaceful.  Allah Ta’ala has made all human beings aware of their rights and duties.

    As long as they continue to perform these rights and duties well, they will not suffer any social problems in life. Today, various social problems are licking our society like termites. 

    Our society is suffering from millions of problems like terrorism, poverty, lack of brotherhood and equality, illiteracy, unemployment and greed.  Who have made our society miserable.

    These social problems affect the prosperity and development of the society.  Instead of peace and tranquility in the society, they cause misery and unrest.

      The subjugator of the spaces has become unaware of the neighbor.  Individuals and society have been separated from each other by bigotry, misguidedness and malice.

    The need is that moral training should be organized.  But unfortunately, our society is paying attention to knowledge, but moral education is missing.  Today our society is facing many problems.

    I will try my best to find the solution of social problems to you by using the experiences of senior people about social problems and their solutions

  • why i chose the subject of “social issues and Thier  solutions”!
    Man is in need of society from birth to death.

    . There is a society’s worm. Although humans are mixed with two things.
    Nesis and insec.

    If a person forgets repeatedly, he has to support others because it is not possible to live a person’s life without getting isolated and achieving cooperation and sharing of other people.

    Similarly, humans need love and kindness for which it has to be in society because it does not get in isolation, but it is in the society, so under all these requirements, humans need a society and the need for the need to invent.In the same way, many societies came into existence.

    Allah Almighty has created all creatures including human beings under special rules.  Similarly, if all the people live by keeping all these rules in mind, their life and society will be peaceful.  Allah Ta’ala has made all human beings aware of their rights and duties.

    As long as they continue to perform these rights and duties well, they will not suffer any social problems in life. Today, various social problems are licking our society like termites. 

    Our society is suffering from millions of problems like terrorism, poverty, lack of brotherhood and equality, illiteracy, unemployment and greed.  Who have made our society miserable.

    These social problems affect the prosperity and development of the society.  Instead of peace and tranquility in the society, they cause misery and unrest.

      The subjugator of the spaces has become unaware of the neighbor.  Individuals and society have been separated from each other by bigotry, misguidedness and malice.

    The need is that moral training should be organized.  But unfortunately, our society is paying attention to knowledge, but moral education is missing.  Today our society is facing many problems.

    I will try to find the solution of social problems ffor humanity by using the experiences of senior people about social problems and their solutions.  .

  • How do you balance work and home life?

    Undoubtedly, life is not easy, a person has to face many social problems in life.  It’s not all that easy, because your ex can also fall for a boss who can call you at any time. 

    Or your office responsibilities may also be of such a nature that worries surround you even after leaving the office.  Or health problems can cause your balance to become unbalanced.  Of course, maintaining such an ideal balance can be very difficult but not impossible, there are practical examples all around us which can be observed with a little research. 

    What happens is that work becomes the first priority in people’s lives, often intentionally and sometimes unintentionally, people prioritize work over all other aspects of life. Generally, people’s professional development.

      + that it overwhelms all other aspects of life and relegates them to secondary priority, causing health, family relationships, and social issues to begin to deteriorate.  The implications of which come out in the form of deprivation of happiness and peace of mind. 

    A perfect work-life balance and harmony is very important and necessary in every sense, not only for life but also for professional development.

    It is undoubtedly very important for people’s physical, emotional and mental health and well-being.  Long story short, a person who gives equal importance to the demands of work and personal life makes every effort to maintain a balance between the two.  But there are some common reasons that can lead to a disturbed work-life balance.  Such as overwork or too many responsibilities, leading to working long hours in an office or factory, too many household responsibilities, or having multiple families can also be a reason for disrupting work-life balance.  Is.
    Too much of any work is not beneficial so create balance in life so that we don’t face social problems.
    Everything looks good in balance.
    Always keep the journey of life on the middle path so that the journey is smooth۔

  • What is your career plan?

    service tried to solve humanity and social problems. islam service is the religion of humanity. it has been described as a mandatory of all humanity’s love and service. humanity humanity:

    The solution to all humanity service and social issues in islamic teachings is a sacred duty. our unfortunate is that we have restricted the worship only to prayer, fast and hajj. if the service of humanity in islam is also ordered to keep the meaning of the unbelievable animal that a thirsty dog deserves the water deserving heaven, and hell is sentenced to hungry the cat.

    According to the quran hakim, the ummah is created for the welfare of all human beings, which is unaware of colorful composite and religion is good for humanity

    Allah almighty has emphasized the humanity in the quran that our legitimate and lawyer has set a special part of the poor and the poor in the property: by keeping the color of the color and race, and the difference between religion and religion holy humanity service is the most important sector of muslim society and the help of muslim society to help people who solve social problems and the most important department of islamic teachings, this is the attribute special.

    Most mosquito islam distinguishes islam. Allaah seems to be able to resolve his brother’s resolve or solving his brother’s resolve, and the person who condemns a muslim or a human being or social issues, then allaah almighty the day of the day will remove the grief, and who hid the defect of a muslim, will cover his cubes on the day of judgment.

    The person who is present in the service of widows, orphans, poor, passengers, and any kind of work and his work and he feels heartly ‘s happiness and cardiovascular satisfaction۔.

    To Serve Humanity

    To Save Humanity

    & to Solve Social issues of Societies .

  • What’s a job you would like to do for just one day?

    If I have a job for a day, I listen to the social issues of society’s elders. They have a little time with their experience of their lives. My favorite job
    To save Humanity
    To serve Humanity & to Social issues of Socities.

    The act of loving people and helping people in need is appreciated in every religion and religion, but the religion of Islam has declared service to humanity as the best morals and the greatest act of worship.

      Allah Almighty has not blessed people with the same virtues and qualities, but has kept differences between them, and this difference is the beauty and beauty of His beauty.

      If the Lord had willed, He would have created everyone with good voice, wealth, and health, but this monotony would have been against the glory of His creativity.

    Let’s try to solve the social problems of humanity together

    Scoial issues of Humanity
  • What are your favorite brands and why?

    Love of humanity and social problems

    Allah created the universe!  And there are countless creatures of Allah Almighty who have blessed man with His countless blessings in this universe. There are also some social problems of these creatures.

      Islam is the bearer of philanthropy and greatness of humanity.  Islam does not teach hatred and killing, it teaches peace, security and love.  All human beings are made of clay. And Adam is the first of Islam.  According to Islamic teachings, there is no superiority of whites over blacks, blacks over whites, poor over me or me over the poor, because of any color, nationality, or region.  All human beings are equal

    Lord has created them from one soul.  Among all the creatures in the universe, the status of Ashraf al-Mukhaluqat has been given only to man.  In the world created by Allah Almighty, man has the first rank because of his humanity.  A level that depends on feeling.

    If this feeling is lost, man acts like Satan.  Which makes him look like a devil.  The first relationship formed in this world is a husband and wife.  Which is one of the most beautiful relationships in this world.  Only after that other relationships have come into existence in this world.  In all these relationships, strength comes from love and the feeling.

    Although there is a command to act with sensitivity and love towards other people apart from blood relations.  Feeling and love are not limited only to humans.  Other creatures also need it.  Everything created by God needs love.  The love that is based on good morals. And the relationship between man and man and other creatures is connected with love and feelings. But unfortunately, in today’s modern era, love and morals and feelings have been separated.  .
    In today’s modern era, social problems are on the rise.
    Let’s promise from today we will make service to humanity our motto.
    They will support each other in the service of humanity in social problems.
    My patch
    To save Humanity
    To Serve Humanity & to
    Solve Social issues of Humanity societies.

  • Do you vote in political elections?

    to solve Social issues  of Humanity

    Yes, I would rather support organizations that serve humanity than vote in political elections.  Those who fool people with empty slogans.
    I will support those parties who serve humanity without discrimination.
    Without any greed
    To serve Humanity
    To save Humanity
    & to Solve  Social issues  of Socities .

  • Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?

    What is the difference between animal and human?
    He who thinks for himself is an animal, and he who thinks for others is a human being.
    Solving the problems of humanity gives the heart ‘s  comfort that wealth does not provide. That’s why
    To serve Humanity
    To  Save Humanity
    & to Solve Social Issusies of comunity .

  • When do you feel most productive?

    I feel most productive.
    . . . . . . .  when ever  i work to  Save Humanity  to Serve Humanity
    And  to solve social issues of  societies .
    A great person is one who feels happy seeing the happiness of others.

    You can also read more about social issues & their solutions


  • What topics do you like to discuss?

    Topic All about  social Issuies Of societies
    Topic Related about  Social problems of World’s societies
    . . . . . . .  How to Save Humanity
    How to Serve Humanity
    How to solve social issues of world’s  societies .

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